Hello, I'm Brian Yator

Charisma Coach. I share useful insights on how to live a more authentic life.

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About me

Thanks to a very strange series of events that took place in our universe, I somehow exist. Now what?


Learning to be more authentic.

I’ve always been a little cynic about the progression of life, especially that fed to us by mainstream media. I often feel coerced into a conveyor belt of other people’s agendas. This inevitably ends in resentment, both towards them and myself for “letting it happen.” Authentic living goes beyond not faking it online or in person. It’s about taking back control. Being real with yourself is admitting what you truly want, aligning it with what’s best for you and picking a course of action that will get you there, leaving you fulfilled. I’m out here exploring what that looks like.

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Gain access to crisp insights and bits of inspiration I find across the internet, published once or twice a month relating to living a more authentic life. Each read is less than 10 minutes long as I value your time ;)